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Khansaheb Sykes’ dewatering increases its footprint in the Middle East

We are delighted to add an additional depot location in Dubai following a substantial investment in our Middle Eastern operations. Our new depot has been strategically selected to improve our service across Dubai and allows us to quickly reach customers based in Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and other parts of the United Arab Emirates.

In recent years, Khansaheb Sykes has provided pumping solutions for major deep well dewatering and wellpoint dewatering projects across the city. Our growing reputation within the region has prompted the need for a larger depot and additional yard space to accommodate an expanding rental fleet.

Dubai is famous for being the tourism capital of the UAE and its high concentration of ongoing construction projects, with many multimillion-pound developments currently underway. Our dewatering expertise and groundwater control have played a vital role in enabling countless building projects to go ahead, with demand for our services now at an all-time high.

The move will also benefit our Andrews Sykes Climate Rental operations by allowing us to cut response times when customers require HVAC or drying equipment.

Jamie Smele, General Manager at Khansaheb Sykes, said: “As a forward-thinking company that has enjoyed much success in a competitive market, it made sense for us to invest in a larger and more modern depot that is reflective of the way we do things.

“Our new property gives us an excellent foothold within a thriving city and allows us to play a significant role in helping to shape the everchanging geographical landscape, by providing complex dewatering solutions across the emirates.”