Khansaheb Sykes Silt Away in Operation in Abu Dhabi
Following on from the success of the Sykes environmentally silt separation system, Khansaheb Sykes have introduced the same unit into their rental fleet for the UAE / GCC region.
In the majority of cases, water pollution is caused by the presence and prolonged build-up of sediment, silt and other abrasives which puts mounting pressure on our clients to ensure discharged water is as silt free as it can be before being reintroduced to a storm water network or directly back into the sea.
Increasing requirements for companies to take their ecological obligations seriously has led to Khansaheb Sykes adding a this new environmentally friendly product to our extensive hire fleet – the Sykes Silt Away. By deploying a Silt Away unit on site, customers can be confident of avoiding substantial fines and adverse publicity, as well as suffering enforced closures.